Tomasz Wicherkiewicz’i külalisloengud Tartu Ülikoolis

Tomasz Wicherkiewicz

18.–21. märtsil on nii tudengid kui õppejõud lahkesti oodatud Tomasz Wicherkiewicz’i külalisloengutesse Tartu Ülikoolis. Tomasz Wicherkiewicz’ (Adam Mickiewicz’i ülikool Poznańis) räägib sotsiolingvistikast, peab TÜlingu ettekande ortograafiatest ja ideoloogiatest, annab poola keele tunni ning peab ettekande vähemuskeeltest. Kõik huvilised on oodatud kuulama!

Tomasz Wicherkiewicz on poola keeleteadlane, kes on spetsialiseerunud sotsiolingvistikale, keelepoliitikale ja -planeerimisele, aga ka vähemusuuringutele. Tal on eriline huvi ohustatud, vähemusrahvuste ja vähemuste, vähem kõneldavate, alarahastatud ja väheuuritud keelte ja nende kogukondade vastu. Tema uurimistöö hõlmab ka kirjasüsteemide ja nende elementide tüpoloogiat ja sotsiolingvistikat. Ta oli projekti Poola keelepärand – ohustatud keelte dokumentatsiooniandmebaas – autor ja juht.

Loengud toimuvad inglise keeles.

Vaata külalisloengute ajakava:

  1. Ettekanne

Sociolinguistic history of Poland/Polish - historical multilingualism and language contacts with Ukrainian, Lithuanian, and Latgalian

Esmaspäeval, 18. märtsil kl 10.15-11.45 Jakobi 2-106 (36 kohta)

The presentation will endeavour to explore the history of linguistic contacts within the Polish language area from both linguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives, with a specific focus on the spaces and domains of Polish-East Slavic (Ukrainian and Belarusian) and Polish-Baltic (Lithuanian and Latgalian) co-existence, as well as linguistic co-development.

  1. TÜlingu loeng

Orthographies and Ideologies - Case studies from Central Europe.

Teisipäeval, 19. märtsil kl 16-17.15 Jakobi 2-438


In all over the world, the complex interplay of orthography, identity, ideology, and their choices has wider implications for literacy and scholarship. The late modern and contemporary ethno-linguistic history of Europe provides numerous case studies of that complex interplay and its direct influence upon ethnic, regional, and ideological identities, religious, cultural, and political choices of speech communities. In that respect, our (although terminologically and geopolitically debatable) region of Central Europe is not different. Furthermore, here, language communities and activists have wanted to make their languages valid and visible by developing script, writing systems, orthography, individual letters, diacritics, or type fonts. The choices involved in deciding the graphic layout have made the language ideologies tangible. Graphization (developing a written form) of a language (variety) has not only involved the selection of an appropriate orthography but also caused (often conflictive) decisions concerning cultural, religious, political, and historical matters. Understanding the dynamics of debate, involved preferences, and the resulting selections can contribute to the decisions we make, both as linguists, sociolinguists, linguistic anthropologists, and as engaged linguists.

  1. Poola keele loeng

Inne języki Polski – kaszubski, śląski, wilamowski

Kolmapäeval, 20. märtsil kl 18.15-19.45 Jakobi 2-111

During the past three decades, Poland has witnessed a grassroots movement aimed at preserving and, in certain instances, restoring linguistic diversity. The debates surrounding some language varieties and their sociolinguistic and political status have been particularly vibrant, notably with respect to the Kashubian, Silesian, and Wilamowicean microlanguage. The Polish-language presentation will discuss these linguistic phenomena.

  1. Ettekanne

Minority languages and language policies vs. language politics: patterns from Europe, Asia, and America

Neljapäeval, 21. märtsil kl 10.15-11.45 Jakobi 2-106 (36 kohta)

This will be an attempt to provide a cross-sectional examination of various types of language policies and politics directed toward minority languages and their speech communities in selected regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. Special attention will be paid to the context of efforts aimed at revitalising these languages.

Kes kohale ei saa tulla, saab esmaspäevast ja neljapäevast loengut jälgida ka Zoomis.

Külalisloengute kontakt on Kadri Koreinik ( Külalisloengud toimuvad ERASMUS+i toel.

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