MEDAL, in collaboration with the Estonian Doctoral School for Humanities and Arts, will offer project management training tailored to humanities PhD students and early-career researchers.
On November 20th, Dagmar Divjak (University of Birmingham, Editor-in-Chief of Cognitive Linguistics) will give us a look at the behind-the-scenes of a journal.
On November 6, Dirk van Gorp (Open Science Officer at Radboud University Library) and Anita Eerland (Assistant Professor at Behavioural Science Institute and Communication Science) will dive into the fundamentals of preregistration.
From 21 to 24 October, Natalia Levshina from Radboud University will conduct a statistics masterclass covering Bayesian statistics with a focus on language data. The event includes both theoretical and practical sessions.
In the upcoming workshop, senior lecturer Katie Alcock from Lancaster University will discuss developing Communicative Development Inventories (CDIs) for a new language.
On 5 September, one of the world’s leading moral philosophers, Professor Jeff McMahan from the University of Oxford, will give a public lecture on the ethics of killing and just war theory. His lecture marks the publication of a special issue of a philosophy journal focused on the Russia-Ukraine war. The event will be held from 16:00 to 18:00 in White Hall at the University of Tartu Museum.