Laboratory of Spoken and Computer-Mediated Communication
The Laboratory of Spoken and Computer-Mediated Communication is active in three primary areas:
Research on spoken language and communication, including various areas of spoken language and its usage. The main research topics focus on spoken syntax and dialogue structure (questions, answers, directives, repairs, particles, among others).
Collecting, transcribing and coding data for the Corpus of Spoken Estonian. The corpus has been consistently updated with new material since 1996.
Collecting data on Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and netspeak. In CMC, different forms of spontaneous written dialogue have developed (e.g. MSN, forums and comments). The language used across these forms is similar and influenced by spoken language. The research groups’ investigation of CMC began in 2009.
Tiit Hennoste
Department of Estonian
Laboratory of Spoken and Computer Mediated Communication
Research Fellow in Spoken Language and Conversation Analysis