Department of Applied Linguistics

The Department of Applied Linguistics is focused on the practical applications of linguistics. We teach and study Estonian as a first, second and foreign language. Our teaching centers around courses that develop spoken and written academic Estonian and cultural knowledge. Our research groups conduct investigations in the domains of psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, language policy and planning, multilingualism, cultural knowledge, and didactics. We also offer lifelong learning programmes and basic courses for teachers of Estonian as a second or foreign language.

The department has active collaboration with schools for teacher training as well as organising Olympiads for Estonian as a Second Language; we train teachers for ‘Estonian houses’ throughout Estonia in cooperations with the Integration Foundation, and offer diverse supplementary courses for teachers of Estonian as a second or foreign language. Our researchers take a proactive role in nationwide discussions of language policy and language teaching, developing language teaching methods and materials and carrying out applied studies leading to political recommendations on, e.g. organising language teaching, the status of Estonian and language policy in higher education.


Birute Klaas-Lang
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Head of Department, Professor of Estonian as Foreign Language, Research Professor
Jakobi 2-434

Area of Rector
Board Member
+372 737 5225
+372 506 9749 (5225)
Birute Klaas-Lang
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Head of Department, Professor of Estonian as Foreign Language, Research Professor
Jakobi 2-434

Area of Rector
Board Member
+372 737 5225
+372 506 9749 (5225)
Madis Arukask
Institute of Cultural Research
Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore
Associate Professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore
Ülikooli 17-324
Madis Arukask
Institute of Cultural Research
Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore
Associate Professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore
Ülikooli 17-324
Mare Kitsnik
Narva College
Department of Teacher Education
Associate Professor of Estonian as Foreign Language, Programme Director of the Master's Programme Teacher of Languages in a Multilingual School
Raekoja plats 2-203/204
Mare Kitsnik
Narva College
Department of Teacher Education
Associate Professor of Estonian as Foreign Language, Programme Director of the Master's Programme Teacher of Languages in a Multilingual School
Raekoja plats 2-203/204
Raili Pool
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Lecturer in Estonian as a Foreign Language
Jakobi 2-437
+372 737 5307
Raili Pool
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Lecturer in Estonian as a Foreign Language
Jakobi 2-437
+372 737 5307
Kristiina Praakli
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics
Jakobi 2-435
Kristiina Praakli
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics
Jakobi 2-435
Virve-Anneli Vihman
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Deputy Head of Development
Jakobi 2-416

Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Professor of Psycholinguistics
Jakobi 2-416

Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Centre for Multilingualism
Head of Centre
+372 5349 6820
Virve-Anneli Vihman
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Deputy Head of Development
Jakobi 2-416

Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Professor of Psycholinguistics
Jakobi 2-416

Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Centre for Multilingualism
Head of Centre
+372 5349 6820
Martin Ehala
Martin Ehala
Kadri Koreinik
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Associate Professor of Sociology of Language
Jakobi 2-435
Kadri Koreinik
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Associate Professor of Sociology of Language
Jakobi 2-435
Maarika Teral
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Lecturer in Estonian as Foreign Language
Jakobi 2-436
Maarika Teral
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Lecturer in Estonian as Foreign Language
Jakobi 2-436
Maigi Vija
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Junior Lecturer in Literacy Education
Jakobi 2-429
Maigi Vija
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Junior Lecturer in Literacy Education
Jakobi 2-429
Kerttu Rozenvalde
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Associate Professor in Language Policy and Estonian as Second Language
Jakobi 2-437

Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Centre for Multilingualism
Deputy Head of Centre
Kerttu Rozenvalde
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Associate Professor in Language Policy and Estonian as Second Language
Jakobi 2-437

Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Centre for Multilingualism
Deputy Head of Centre
Aive Mandel
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Junior Lecturer in Estonian as a Second Language
Jakobi 2-429
Aive Mandel
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Junior Lecturer in Estonian as a Second Language
Jakobi 2-429
Helen Wilbur
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Finno-Ugric Studies
Research Fellow in Phonetics
Jakobi 2-410
Helen Wilbur
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Finno-Ugric Studies
Research Fellow in Phonetics
Jakobi 2-410
Anni Leena Kolk
Anni Leena Kolk
Ülle Niin
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Academic Affairs Specialist
Jakobi 2-432
+372 737 5227
Ülle Niin
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Applied Linguistics
Academic Affairs Specialist
Jakobi 2-432
+372 737 5227
Jüri Valge
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Associate Professors emeriti, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Associate Professor emeritus
Jüri Valge
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Associate Professors emeriti, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Associate Professor emeritus
Loreta Andziuliuene
doctoral student
Loreta Andziuliuene
doctoral student
Milda Ona Dailidenaite
doctoral student
Milda Ona Dailidenaite
doctoral student
Anna Branets
Area of Vice Rector for Development
International Cooperation and Protocol Office
Senior Specialist for International Marketing
Ülikooli 18-301
+372 737 6109 (6109)
doctoral student
Anna Branets
Area of Vice Rector for Development
International Cooperation and Protocol Office
Senior Specialist for International Marketing
Ülikooli 18-301
+372 737 6109 (6109)
Maria Iqbal
doctoral student
Maria Iqbal
doctoral student
Mari-Liis Korkus
doctoral student
Mari-Liis Korkus
doctoral student
Adele Vaks
doctoral student
Adele Vaks
doctoral student
Katrin Mikk
doctoral student
Katrin Mikk
doctoral student
Kristel Algvere
doctoral student
Kristel Algvere
doctoral student
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