Department of General Linguistics

The Department of General Linguistics teaches and coordinates the specialties of general linguistics and computer linguistics, the latter in collaboration with the Chair of Natural Language Processing in the Institute of Computer Science. In addition, we teach general theoretically based courses in linguistics.

The department conducts research on Estonian from a theoretical and a comparative perspective, focusing mainly on the patterns of language meaning. Within the last couple of years, two main research directions have emerged in the department: referential practices and academic writing. The latter research is conducted in collaboration with the research group at the College of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Research in the domain of computational linguistics is done in collaboration with language technology as well as digital humanities research groups.


Renate Pajusalu
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of General Linguistics
Head of Department, Professor of General Linguistics
Jakobi 2-403
Renate Pajusalu
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of General Linguistics
Head of Department, Professor of General Linguistics
Jakobi 2-403
Kadri Muischnek
Institute of Computer Science
Chair of Natural Language Processing
Associate Professor in Natural Language Processing 0.5 p
r 3058

Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Centre for Digital Humanities
Associate Professor of Computational Linguistics 0.5 p
Jakobi 2-424
Kadri Muischnek
Institute of Computer Science
Chair of Natural Language Processing
Associate Professor in Natural Language Processing 0.5 p
r 3058

Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Centre for Digital Humanities
Associate Professor of Computational Linguistics 0.5 p
Jakobi 2-424
Ilona Tragel
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Centre for Estonian L1 teaching and language awareness
Head of Centre, Professor of Language Awareness and Estonian Language Teaching
Jakobi 2-442
526 4065 (3356)
Ilona Tragel
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Centre for Estonian L1 teaching and language awareness
Head of Centre, Professor of Language Awareness and Estonian Language Teaching
Jakobi 2-442
526 4065 (3356)
Ann Veismann
Lecturer of Estonian and General Linguistics
Ann Veismann
Lecturer of Estonian and General Linguistics
Heili Orav
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of General Linguistics
Research Fellow in General Linguistics (employment contract suspended) 0.1 p

Institute of Computer Science
Chair of Natural Language Processing
Lecturer in Natural Language Processing
r 3059
+372 737 6143
Heili Orav
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of General Linguistics
Research Fellow in General Linguistics (employment contract suspended) 0.1 p

Institute of Computer Science
Chair of Natural Language Processing
Lecturer in Natural Language Processing
r 3059
+372 737 6143
Piia Taremaa
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of General Linguistics
Research Fellow in General Linguistics
Jakobi 2-446
Piia Taremaa
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of General Linguistics
Research Fellow in General Linguistics
Jakobi 2-446
Maria Reile
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of General Linguistics
Research Fellow in Experimental Pragmatics
Jakobi 2-446
Maria Reile
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of General Linguistics
Research Fellow in Experimental Pragmatics
Jakobi 2-446
Mariann Proos
Mariann Proos
Helen Hint
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Centre for Estonian L1 teaching and language awareness
Lecturer in Academic Literacy, Programme Director
Jakobi 2-446
+372 5559 0644
Helen Hint
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Centre for Estonian L1 teaching and language awareness
Lecturer in Academic Literacy, Programme Director
Jakobi 2-446
+372 5559 0644
Mari Aigro
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of General Linguistics
Research Fellow in Morphosyntax
Jakobi 2-430
Mari Aigro
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of General Linguistics
Research Fellow in Morphosyntax
Jakobi 2-430
Andrea Nagy
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Finno-Ugric Studies
Academic Affairs Specialist
Jakobi 2-432

Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of General Linguistics
Academic Affairs Specialist
Jakobi 2-432
+372 737 5423
Andrea Nagy
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of Finno-Ugric Studies
Academic Affairs Specialist
Jakobi 2-432

Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics
Department of General Linguistics
Academic Affairs Specialist
Jakobi 2-432
+372 737 5423
Haldur Õim
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Professors emeriti, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Academician, Professor emeritus
Haldur Õim
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Professors emeriti, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Academician, Professor emeritus
Urmas Sutrop
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Professors emeriti, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Professor Emeritus
Urmas Sutrop
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Professors emeriti, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Professor Emeritus
Maria Tuulik
doctoral student
Maria Tuulik
doctoral student
Liis Ermus
doctoral student
Liis Ermus
doctoral student
Tene Viiburg
doctoral student
Tene Viiburg
doctoral student
Aimi Pikksaar
doctoral student
Aimi Pikksaar
doctoral student
Gerth Jaanimäe
doctoral student
Gerth Jaanimäe
doctoral student
Johanna Kiik
doctoral student
Johanna Kiik
doctoral student
Agu Bleive
doctoral student
Agu Bleive
doctoral student
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