Ivo Kruusamägi

MEDAL workshop: Designing questionnaires and CDIs with Katie Alcock

In the upcoming workshop, senior lecturer Katie Alcock from Lancaster University will discuss developing Communicative Development Inventories (CDIs) for a new language. We will also touch on the development of image vocabulary tests for new languages and cultures. We deal with the process from the initial vocabulary selection to validation, standardisation and data sharing through archives. 

Katie specialises in the cognitive development of language, especially the individual differences in the context of culture and language, as well as neurotypical and neurodiverse children. 

The workshop suits participants who have started or are interested in developing CDIs or other linguistic assessments. Participants are also welcome to share their case studies!

Schedule for the 17th September from 12:00-15:00 EE:

12:00-13:20 part one

13:20-13:40 pause

13:40-15:00 practical examples


This is an online Zoom event. You will receive the link after registration. Please register here!

More information on MEDAL's website.

Events are organised by the Methodological Excellence in Data-Driven Approaches to Linguistics (MEDAL) consortium and are financed by the EU Horizon Europe programme (101079429) and UK Research and Innovation organisation (101079429).

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