Topic: publishing

Web seminar about the publishing process from the editor's point of view
20. märtsil tutvustab Dagmar Divjak (Birminghami Ülikooli professor ja Cognitive Linguistics peatoimetaja) keeleteaduse publitseerimise protsessi. Veebiseminaril saate teada, mida ajakirja toimetajad ootavad autorilt.
Upcoming workshop will give a look at the behind-the-scenes of an academic journal
On November 20th, Dagmar Divjak (University of Birmingham, Editor-in-Chief of Cognitive Linguistics) will give us a look at the behind-the-scenes of a journal.
New handbook provides support for non-Estonian-speaking parents
Professor Birute Klaas-Lang has compiled a handbook titled "My Child Learns in Estonian" („Minu laps õpib eesti keeles“).
Special Issue of the Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics: "Approaches to Language Planning"
The special issue of the Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics, titled "Approaches to Language Planning" is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of J. V. Veski's birth.
25. October 2023 publishingresearch