Open science workshop will dive into the fundamentals of preregistration

In the next MEDAL workshop on 6th of November, Dirk van Gorp (Open Science Officer at Radboud University Library) and Anita Eerland (Assistant Professor at Behavioural Science Institute and Communication Science) will dive into the fundamentals of preregistration.

Preregistration can be defined as “stating as clearly as possible what you are going to do before actually doing it in a way that is verifiable by others”. In other words, science done right.

The first part of the workshop will be led by Dirk van Gorp, and will be more a more general introduction to Open Science. After a short break, Anita Eerland will guide us through how and why to preregister your research. She will also debunk common misconceptions about preregistration, and point us to some useful tools (e.g., the Open Science Framework) and resources.

No preparation needed, but please (pre)register if you want to attend!

When? 6 November 2024, 11:00 EE / 10:00 NL / 09:00 UK

This is an online-only event. 


More information about the event "Open Science: Why and how to do preregistration?" can be found on MEDAL website.

This workshop is organized by the Methodological Excellence in Data-Driven Approaches to Linguistics (MEDAL) consortium and is financed by the EU Horizon Europe programme (101079429) and the UK Research and Innovation organisation (101079429).


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