About the institute
The 14th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies (CIFU XIV) has received 245 submissions!
On 19 December 2024, at 14:15 Kristiina Vaik will defend her doctoral thesis "Beyond Genres: A Dimensional Text Model for Text Classification".
Grant Office invites university researchers to the first info day on research funding at the university library on 12 February 2025.
Meie audoktor, Tübingeni Ülikooli kvantitatiivse lingvistika professor Harald Baayen on detsembri alguses tagasi Tartus ja annab töötoa sõnavektorite kasutamisest lingvistilises analüüsis.
On 29 October, the University of Tartu and the Estonian National Museum signed a framework agreement for industrial doctorate studies to support the education of future researchers for the museum and intensify cooperation between the two institutions.
The Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics of the University of Tartu has been granted funding from the European Commission through the Horizon Europe ERA-Chair instrument to launch the Center for Digital Text Scholarship (DigiTS) starting in March 2025.
On November 20th, Dagmar Divjak (University of Birmingham, Editor-in-Chief of Cognitive Linguistics) will give us a look at the behind-the-scenes of a journal.
On 20-21 November, a short course on building competences for transdisciplinary collaboration will be held at the University of Tartu Library.
On November 6, Dirk van Gorp (Open Science Officer at Radboud University Library) and Anita Eerland (Assistant Professor at Behavioural Science Institute and Communication Science) will dive into the fundamentals of preregistration.