Topic: international

Registration for the 14th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies is now open! 
Registration for the 14th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies in Tartu (18.08-22.08.2025) is now open! 
12. March 2025 internationalresearch
Web seminar about the publishing process from the editor's point of view
20. märtsil tutvustab Dagmar Divjak (Birminghami Ülikooli professor ja Cognitive Linguistics peatoimetaja) keeleteaduse publitseerimise protsessi. Veebiseminaril saate teada, mida ajakirja toimetajad ootavad autorilt.
Cody Stevens: Every new word I learn helps me understand Estonia and local life here better
Students in the international master's programme Estonian and Finno-Ugric Languages have been eagerly studying Estonian. Cody Michael Stevens from USA wrote in Estonian about why he decided to learn Estonian.
The next Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic countries annual conference will take place in Estonia this March
The next Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic countries annual conference (DHNB-2025) will take place in Tartu at the Estonian National Museum on 5-7 March.
Juliet Lehtonen: Why did I want to come to Tartu to study Estonian?
Students in the international master's programme Estonian and Finno-Ugric Languages have been eagerly studying Estonian. Juliet Lehtonen from Finland wrote in Estonian about why she wanted to come to Tartu to learn Estonian.
23. January 2025 studiesinternational
Dorota Baluchová: Why did I choose to study Estonian? That's a good question!
Students on the international master's programme Estonian and Finno-Ugric Languages have been eagerly studying Estonian. Dorota Baluchová from Slovakia wrote in Estonian about how she ended up studying Estonian in Estonia.
Join the Virtual Open Day 2025 on 16 January
Join us for a Virtual Open Day where we will cover the admission process, important deadlines, English requirements, student life and much more for 2025 applicants.
RECORDING: Parliament speakers from five countries gathered at the University of Tartu to discuss achieving a just and lasting peace in Ukraine
On 3 February, speakers of the parliaments from five countries will visit the University of Tartu to discuss in the assembly hall from 11:00–12:00 how to achieve peace in Ukraine and Europe.
06. January 2025 international
Reconnect with your Heritage Language: A unique Master's degree in Tartu provides a helping hand
Professor of Psycholinguistics Virve Vihman, who grew up bilingual in the USA, provides more insight into how this programme can help global Estonians and shares her own personal story of how she became a specialist in Estonian.
Applications to international master’s studies can be submitted until 15 March
The University of Tartu invites international students interested in English-taught curricula to submit their applications in DreamApply.
02. January 2025 internationaladmissions