Topic: for student

The autumn school in Kääriku gave new perspectives on translation and politeness in Estonian
Dorota Baluchová, a first-year Master’s student, shares her experience about participating in the autumn school.
Guest lecture by Prof Gobus Marais "Co-constructing the Vredefort dome? New materialism, biosemiotics, and epistemic translation"
Semiotics Department warmly invites you on Wednesday, 27 November, at 16:15 to Professor Gobus Marais's guest lecture, "Co-constructing the Vredefort dome? New materialism, biosemiotics, and epistemic translation". The lecture takes place at Jakobi 2-306. Professor Marais is from the Department of Linguistics and Language Practice at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. This lecture is part of the Jakob von Uexküll lecture series.
Ruth Rebecca Tietjen will give a talk on existential, social and political loneliness
Department of Philosophy and the Centre for Ethics cordially invite you on Monday, 25 November at 16:15, Jakobi 2-336 to attend a talk by Dr. Ruth Rebecca Tietjen “Variations on loneliness: existential, social, political”. Dr. Tietjen is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy at Tilburg University and Pof. Dr. Theda Rehbock’s Philosophy Resident at Susimetsa Philosophicum.
Filmo-Ugri movie nights
From this autumn, films on Finno-Ugric and linguistics will be shown on the last Thursday of every month.
12. November 2024 for studentinstituteculture
Hungarian gingerbread workshop
On the first day of Advent, we will hold a workshop where everyone can make Hungarian honey cakes (mézeskalács) with the help of masters.
12. November 2024 for studentculture
Hungarian dance evening welcomes everyone
The next autumnal Hungarian dance evening will take place on 16 November at 6 PM in the Tiigi club house. Everyone is welcome to dance!
06. November 2024 for studentculture
Mental Health Month X UTSU
All University of Tartu students are welcome to join us and focus on mental health together! We here at the Student Union want to contribute to students' mental well-being.
08. October 2024 for student
Statistics masterclass on Bayesian regression to be held in October
From 21 to 24 October, Natalia Levshina from Radboud University will conduct a statistics masterclass covering Bayesian statistics with a focus on language data. The event includes both theoretical and practical sessions.
Come and listen! Doctoral students give inspiring short lectures to present the latest research
The competition will be held on Wednesday, 2 October at 10:00 in the Conference Hall of the University of Tartu Library.
25. September 2024 for studentresearchfor society
MEDAL workshop: Advanced data retrieval for corpus linguistics
On the 23-24th of September, we will have a hands-on workshop with Akira Murakami from the University of Birmingham, who will introduce methods for retrieving complex patterns from a corpus using R.