Nele Tammeaid

Master's degree thesis defences in spring 2024

Master's degree thesis defences at the Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics will take place in June 2024. All three different programmes will have their defences at separate times.


Estonian and Finno-Ugric languages MA programme thesis defence

4 June (Jakobi 2-438):

10.00   Name „Title“. Supervisor and oponent



Estonian language and literature teacher MA programme thesis defence

5 June (Jakobi 2-106):

10.00   Name „Title“. Supervisor and oponent


6 June (Jakobi 2-106):

10.00   Name „Title“. Supervisor and oponent


10 June (Jakobi 2-106):

10.00   Name „Title“. Supervisor and oponent


28 June (Jakobi 2-428):

10.00   Name „Title“. Supervisor and oponent



Linguistics MA programme thesis defence

7 June (Jakobi 2-423):

10.00   Name „Title“. Supervisor and oponent




Information hours for freshmen

Bakalaureusetöö kaitsmised

Bachelor's degree thesis defences in spring 2024

Kadri Voorand

Musician Kadri Voorand to be the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu