Presentation of the best theses in digital humanities

Digihummide parimad
Keit Mõisavald

Students and university staff are invited to the presentation and award ceremony of the best theses in digital humanities on October 30th from 18:00 to 21:00 on the 2nd floor of the Genialistide Klubi.

The authors of the best theses in digital humanities present their research:

  • Sander Jegorov „Eesti arheoloogilise raua päritoluanalüüs“ (best MA)
  • Leena Karin Toots „LGBT+ kogukonnaga seotud sõnavara Eesti LGBT+ aktivistide taskuhäälingutes“ (best BA)
  • Aaron Scott Reed „(You gotta) fight for your rite: the use of player invented ritual in online community creation“ (digital world special prize)
  • Hanna-Riin Karu „Narva karantiini kaudu Nõukogude Venemaalt Eestisse saabunud optandid aastatel 1920–1922“ (data base special prize)

In the second part of the gathering, there will be a discussion panel, pizza and drinks will be served.

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