MEDAL workshops in March and April

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We invite students and employees of the University of Tartu to participate in the MEDAL project events in March and April. In March, you can meet the editors of four main journals in linguisticsis in a panel discussion. In April, we will learn more about Incorporating real-world impact into research proposals.

In March, we meet the Editors-in-Chiefs. This is a panel discussion in which you'll get to interact with the editors-in-chief of four of the main journals in linguistics. The panel discussion takes place on March 25th at 16:00 and will last about one hour in total. The editors will share their top tips for getting into their journals, as well as the pitfalls to avoid. But most importantly, they are there to answer your questions, so submit those through the registration form. This is an online event for which you will get a Zoom link after registering here.

In April, we will explore different kinds of impact a research project can have, for example, on education, health and wellbeing, and we will discuss how this impact can be achieved. The workshop is led by Jeannette Littlemore of the University of Birmingham. The workshop takes place on April 17th from 11:00 - 13:00 at the Jakobi 2-114 and on Zoom. You will get the Zoom link after registering here.

We are also delighted to invite you to the MEDAL Summer School in Experimental Linguistics, taking place in Nijmegen from 17-21. June 2024, organised as a MEDAL collaboration with our partners at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and Radboud University. UT students and staff are eligible to apply for mobility funding to attend this event! The new deadline is the 1st of March! Be sure to check the summer school web page for more information.

These events are organised by the Methodological Excellence in Data-Driven Approaches to Linguistics (MEDAL) consortium and are financed by the EU Horizon Europe programme (101079429) and the UK Research and Innovation organisation (101079429).

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