MEDAL Summer School in Experimental Linguistics will take place in Nijmegen

MEDAL venue
Izabela Jordanoska

We are pleased to announce the MEDAL Summer School in Experimental Linguistics, which will take place in Nijmegen from 17-21 June 2024. Registration for the summer school is open here. The summer school is being organised by our MEDAL partners at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and at Radboud University.

The program will be finalised soon and will include plenary talks by Pamela Perniss (University of Cologne), Susanne Brouwer (Radboud University), Peter Hagoort (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) and Ben Ambridge (University of Liverpool).

Each of the first four days of the summer school will include one plenary lecture and parallel workshops given by the plenary speakers and other MEDAL-affiliated colleagues. Workshop topics cover subjects such as child language acquisition, multimodality, language comprehension and language production. Participants will also have the opportunity to present their own research in poster sessions as well as to meet one-on-one with instructors to discuss their own specific research topics. On the fifth day, we will have a methodology session in the morning and a social event in the afternoon.

Be sure to check the summer school web page regularly for updates.

If you are affiliated with one of the MEDAL consortium partner institutes (such as the Institute for Estonian and General Linguistics ), you are eligible to apply for mobility funding to attend this event! The deadline for Tartu applicants is 23.02.2024. See here for more details about MEDAL mobility funding.

Note that the accommodations in Nijmegen specifically during the summer school are already hard to find due to other concurrent events, so we are organising group accommodations. See this document for more information, including about the group accommodations.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Nijmegen!

MEDAL team

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