
One of the most efficient and versatile ways of learning is through experience. Internship will allow you to learn through real-life situations and will hone your teamwork skills. You can do your internship in one organization and in one part, or complete an internship portfolio during the entire study period, i.e. do several shorter internships in various organizations. Learn more about your options from the internship manual.

Internship portfolio allows you to do your internship in various organizations during several semesters. It means that you will be able to try your hand in different roles, for example as a language teacher or teacher's assistant, language editor or transcriber.

You can also participate in organising various events at the institute, for example volunteer organising conferences or KeeleKohting. It is also possible to formalize your paid summer job, which is related to your studies, as an internship.

The options listed here are only some of our students' internship opportunities. The list is open and you can do your internship in any organisation that you have a personal contact with or has piqued your interest. Make sure that your chosen internship is in a cultural, educational, media or research organization that will put your skills of humanities and linguistic competence to good use.

Find inspiration from the list of internship opportunites put together for the students of the University of Tartu's Faculty of Arts and Humanities. There you will find videos of your fellow students' internship experiences.

In order to find the best internship option for you, contact the lecturer of the subject "Estonian and Finno-Ugric languages internship" ("Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse erialapraktika" HVEE.00.015) Ann Siiman,

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