Ragnar Vutt

The 5th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics will be hosted by the University of Tartu

University of Tartu will organize the 5th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2024) which will be held on 30 September ‒ 2 October 2024. The conference follows the four previous ISAPh conferences held in Nagoya (2016), Aizuwakamatsu (2018), Tarragona (2021) and Lund (2022).

The conference series is dedicated to all kinds of applications of phonetics for human activities and focuses on a wide range of areas of applied phonetics, including, but not exclusive to:

  • pronunciation teaching
  • acquisition of L2 pronunciation
  • first language acquisition
  • accent coaching
  • sociophonetics
  • clinical phonetics
  • speech technology
  • speech pathology
  • forensic phonetics
  • phonetics pedagogy


Organising committee consists of linguists from the Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics: Pärtel Lippus (chair), Eva Liina Asu, Anton Malmi, Katrin Leppik, Pire Teras, Helen Wilbur ja Liis Themas.

More information on the conference website.


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