Andero Kalju

Information hours for freshmen

We welcome first-year students to our curriculum information hours in August and September. In the information hour, you will meet your future coursemates, hear important information from the programme director of the curriculum and learn other useful information that will support the start of your studies.


August 29th
15.0016.00    Eesti keele ja kirjanduse õpetaja (MA)     Zoom


September 2nd
11.1513.00     Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteadus (BA)     Jakobi 2-438
13.1515.00     Keeleteadus (MA)     Jakobi 2-428
13.1515.00     Estonian and Finno-Ugric Languages (MA)     Jakobi 2-427


September 12th
13.0014.00     Eesti keele ja kirjanduse õpetaja (MA)     Lossi 3-425
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2024. aasta orienteerumisrajal saab (taas)tutvuda ülikooli ühiselamutega

Orienteering course "Dormitories as hubs of student life" is still open for final few weeks

Pilt tiksust.

Mental Health Month X UTSU


Statistics masterclass on Bayesian regression to be held in October