MEDAL events in November

Tartu Ülikooli tudengid arvutiga
Andero Kalju

Distinguished linguistics professors, Laura Janda and Harald Baayen, will be visiting Tartu on the last week of November. They will give two workshops coordinated by the MEDAL consortium on 29-30th of November.


On Tuesday, the 28th of November, at 16:00, Laura Janda gives a TÜling talk, 'The birth of grammatical morphemes' in Jakobi 2-438. More information here.

On Wednesday, the 29th of November, from 12:00 to 17:00, Laura and Harald will hold a joint workshop on grant writing in Jakobi 2-114. Registration here.

      12:00-14:00 Laura Janda 'How to put the 'fun' in external funding

      14:00-15:00 Coffee break (Jakobi 2-115)

15:00-17:00 Harald Baayen 'Writing research proposals for the European Research Council'

On Thursday, the 30th of November, from 10:00 to 16:00, Harald will be giving a hands-on workshop about modelling lexical processing and introducing the JudiLing package in Jakobi 2-114. Registration here.
       10:00-12:00 Harald’s lecture and introduction of the JudiLing package

       12:00-14:00 Lunch break (snacks in Jakobi 2-115)

14:00-16:00 Hands-on practical examples

On Friday, the 1st of December, Harald Baayen receives an honorary doctorate from the University of Tartu. More information here.

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