MEDAL consortium launch event

University of Tartu
Andres Tennus

Methodological Excellence in Data-Driven Approaches to Linguistics (MEDAL) will launch on 7 February 2023 at 14.00-15.30 (UK), 15.00-16.30 (NL), 16.00-17.30 (EST). The launch event will be held on Zoom.

Live international sign interpretation will be provided for this event by Overseas Interpreters.

Zoom link:

Schedule of the event:

14:00/15:00/16:00 Introduction and overview
Short talks (10 min talk + 5 min Q&A):
Peter Uhrig “Multimodal Corpus Linguistics"
Yayun Zhang “Using Head-mounted Eye-tracking to Study Early Word Learning in Naturalistic Contexts"
Irene Testini "What to do with lots of language data?
Introducing computational models of learning"
14:50/15:50/16:50 Overview of the activities of MEDAL:
Summer schools and workshops
Communication and outreach
Institutional capacity building
15:15/16.15/17:15 Q&A
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