
Guest lecture about the impact of Hungarian innovators on the world

Our institute will host a guest lecture on 13 November about the impact of Hungarian innovators on the world. Ágnes Kollár, Lecturer for Hungarian Language and Culture at the University of Hamburg's Institute for Finno-Ugric and Uralic Studies, will walk us through the remarkable inventions Hungarian innovators have brought to the world. 

Ágnes Kollár Lecturer for Hungarian Language and Culture University of Hamburg Institute for Finno-Ugric and Uralic Studies
Ágnes Kollár (Hamburgi Ülikooli ungari keele ja kultuuri lektor) (author: Erakogu)

Rubik's Cube? mRNA vaccine? Locomotive? Telephone exchange?
What do all these things have in common?

Join us for an intriguing guest lecture that explores the remarkable contributions of Hungarian inventors to the world of science and technology. Discover the stories behind groundbreaking inventions and uncover how these innovations continue to shape our modern world and inspire future generations!

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