Tartu Ülikool

Abstract submission for CIFU XIV is now open

Abstract submission for the 14th International Congress of Finno-Ugric Studies (CIFU XIV) Symposia and the General Session is now open.  The congress will take place in Tartu, August 18–23, 2025. 

Since 1960, the Congress has been organized in every five years. For the 14th Congress, 19 symposia proposals in four different categories have been accepted: 

  • A. Discipline-related approaches 
  • B. Linguistics
  • C. Ethnology, religion, and folklore
  • D. History, prehistory, and archaeology

The list of symposia is now available at the Congress homepage

Abstract submission for Symposia and the General Session is now open. Find the instructions for abstract submission in the 2nd Circular. We are looking forward to abstracts on various Finno-Ugric topics.

The Congress website will be continuously updated, and new information about registration, fees, the programme, the venue, travel and accommodation will be made available.

You are also welcome to follow our Facebook event site, or to contact us by email:

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