Learn Estonian by chatting with a native speaker at KeeleKohting


All native speakers of Estonian and Estonian language learners are kindly invited to KeeleKohting twice a month. Everyone is welcome – students, professors, university employees and citizens.

KeeleKohting (Language Date) offers an opportunity to learn Estonian in a relaxed atmosphere, make new friends, exchange ideas and find inspiration, share and discover the Estonian language and culture.

At KeeleKohting you can discuss anything of interest in pairs. After a while, the partners change. We try to make sure that in each pair there is one Estonian native speaker and one language learner. One-on-one free-form conversation will expand your vocabulary and your circle of friends. The conversations are often fun and stimulating – many who have once attended KeeleKohting, have returned for more.

KeeleKohting takes place now twice a month from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

The meetings for the spring semester:

  • 19 February
  • 5 March
  • 19 March
  • 2 April
  • 16 April
  • 7 May
  • 21 May

Register for the event here. Please register by the last Monday before KeeleKohting.

Additional information: ylle.niin@ut.ee

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